Another plot morning today. It was spitting with rain but nothing drastic. Its all rather mundane at the moment- its all digging and removing couch and bindweed. However I have started to put down some edges and managed to move the established clump of rhubarb we found on the front of the plot. To be fair there isn't too much left to dig and weed now and hopefully you can see the progress on the photo below...
The rhubarb we managed to split into two decent chunks and I have replanted them further up the plot and given it a mulch with hoss muck. On the picture below you can also see the comfrey I planted this morning. There was one huge clump growing in the middle of this plot when we took it on so I dug it up today and split it into four plants that now reside next to the rhubarb. They are at hand here for the new compost bins so I can just cut it to ground level and chuck the leaves into the compost heap. I should get three good cuts each year, one of which I shall use to make a liquid comfrey feed for the tomatoes and sweet peas.
Had to go and fetch some leeks this morning aswell. I was at my mates house just before nine and he presented me with a tray of pendle blanch and a couple of Yorkshire giant pot leeks (destined for the heavy weights at Malvern autumn show).
These are now under the growlights with 12 hours of light. They are ready to pot on so I'll probably cover this in my next post- Stay tuned...
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